The secret to why I always seem to be having fun

Do you know why I always seem to be having fun (and in truth, am)?

It's not a big secret, and if you know me in real life you might already know this…but it is a bit cringe to some ;-)

It’s because I let myself be childish. Immature. Silly. Uncool. 

I throw my head back and clap my hands. I dance to a song in the grocery store and the street. I spin around a lamp post and make a silly pose at my boyfriend.

Embarrassing, right? 

Except you know what? It’s not embarrassing. Because I’m not uncomfortable. I’m loving the shit out of the moment.

I have no need to MATCH the vibe. I am the damn vibe.

And I feel zero shame about that. At all.

That’s the secret. 

Learn to be just a little bit childish and let go. Kids don’t worry about what you think of them. They move and clap and rock in joy. They giggle and stare in wonder. They say how happy they are, exclaiming it over and over, and they don’t worry how it sounds to you or how it makes them “seem”.

I’m telling you…learn to let yourself go and you won’t even feel embarrassed (after a short adjustment period!) because you’ll be too busy enjoying the moment. 

Enjoying LIFE. Your life.

Join Let’s Make Lemonade - you’ll learn how to have more fun, but importantly, you’ll learn how to give less f—ks whether anyone’s watching you do it.

If I have each and every one of you dancing around your kitchen in your underwear while making coffee by the end of the program - or in the street to your AirPods (a classic Cyn move 😉), I’ll know I’ve done my job.

Re-center yourself, have fun, build boundaries, make decisions easily, trust yourself completely, and establish the confidence you need to wake up every day and live for you.


5 things you can do today to invite in more joy


Are you writing your story…or someone else’s?