Hi, I’m Cynthia

I went from chronically depressed to living in joy every day, and I’ve made it my mission to help you do the same - no matter your starting point.

I’m not a doctor; I’m just a happy little witch, a certified Life Coach, and an uncertified joy seeker, with a pretty badass talent for helping people cut through their own stories (the b.s. ones, especially) about who they are and what they want, so they can tap into their truest, favourite, self right now.

Together we’ll learn how to work with your unique brain, remove the barriers standing between you and your dream life, and shift your subconscious to release those tired old scripts that are no longer serving you and rebuild you ones that will - all while building you a badass roadmap for your beautiful life ahead.

I believes that through the combined practices of intentional daily actions, shifting our mindset and connecting to our personal why, we can wake up every day excited and fulfilled in the life we’ve built.

When I’m not chatting with you over zoom, or hanging with you at a super cool location on one of my retreats, I’m travelling (often solo), hunkering in with a cheesy romance novel, or doing literally anything outdoors (I love being outside at almost a weird level).

My Approach

You can’t love any piece of your life if you’re frantically running around trying to do everything you see other people doing. You need to get clear on what you want - and what matters to you. And then we can build it!


Together, we’re going to uncover what you need for life to feel fulfilling and joyful, your goals and vision for your future self, and the way you want life to feel every day moving forward. We discover everything we can - about you!


Then we design the roadmap, tackling anything that comes up and poses a challenge. Whether mindset shifts, tactical problems, or difficulty understanding your brain, I’ll help you remove barriers and keep moving forward with certainty and joy.

ready to start living…for you?